Tuesday, November 16, 2010

New yOrk

listening to jazz
listening to jazz
listening to jazz with the artist
jawin, mashin, slappin time with a master,
is like that
busting through,
not thinking, just doing, sometimes I think….ruins it
school…old scool… new school…any kind of school…its cools with me with me with me…with me I tell him…tapping out with my son…sun…so(u)(l)n of mine
tapping out with my son…son
he is the master…i’m just a fool… i’m just a fool…
sittin by an open window, listenin to Latina mamas in the building across the street
“mirada, mirada, Carmen…” spoon whipping out a tempo against a bowl
glass breakin, hammer poundin, destruction, construction all around
“that taxi almost ran me over”
“No. he didn’t…taxi’s have better aim then that”
a knife, a fork, a bottle and a cork…that’s how you spell New yOrk
some guy once said

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