Wednesday, November 17, 2010

or of desperation

an extremely pleasing sensation of affection all over my entire body,
"please, sister morphine, turn my nightmares into dreams"

seeing the sinister side in my infamous dance,
downing a mescaline drink in front of a television camera,
i told my interviewer that between the beginning
and end of my next sentence, i am going to be gone for a long, long time

a universal impulse, sipping a latte on ave. a,
or chewing betel nuts in an indonesian marketplace,
depressed, forever shifting the lady of grace’s state of consciousness to get through the day

a blonde woman seems to be looking for the pearly gates in my eyes, the caution signs plastered all around my unfinished framework are a sure give-away

unleashed passions, it does not, to be honest,
sound so bad, on many a christmas list this year,
a lifestyle of excess, or of desperation

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

New yOrk

listening to jazz
listening to jazz
listening to jazz with the artist
jawin, mashin, slappin time with a master,
is like that
busting through,
not thinking, just doing, sometimes I think….ruins it
school…old scool… new school…any kind of school…its cools with me with me with me…with me I tell him…tapping out with my son…sun…so(u)(l)n of mine
tapping out with my son…son
he is the master…i’m just a fool… i’m just a fool…
sittin by an open window, listenin to Latina mamas in the building across the street
“mirada, mirada, Carmen…” spoon whipping out a tempo against a bowl
glass breakin, hammer poundin, destruction, construction all around
“that taxi almost ran me over”
“No. he didn’t…taxi’s have better aim then that”
a knife, a fork, a bottle and a cork…that’s how you spell New yOrk
some guy once said

Monday, November 15, 2010


now that's entertainment

the jackal showed her titties,
while sachmo told a story with his horn,
a whore gave it away for free,
and the virgin mary pranced around in her party dress

he does not approve of any of this but played a long anyway,
giving his balls an open air show,
and chew chew charlie went tute tuting away